Finger command linux

Hello readers,


Hope you are doing great.

Today you gonna learn new command in linux which is not so common but very useful.

Th command is –


Finger package is not installed by default in most Linux and Ubuntu, other Debian flavored systems. We need to install as per out linux machin whether .deb or .rpm based linuxes.

In Unixfinger is a program you can use to find information about computer users. It usually lists the login name, the full name, and possibly other details about the user you are fingering. These details may include the office location and phone number (if known), login time, idle time, time mail was last read, and the user’s plan and project files. The information listed varies, and you may not be able to get any information from some sites.

In some cases, you may be able to use the finger command to verify an address or find more information for someone at another institution about whom you already have some information. The finger command is available on most Unix systems. It differs from the whois command, which you can use simply to find the email address of someone at another institution.

You can do more research on finger command with their different options.

Very few people knew this command. SO congratulations, you know it. 🙂



python repr() function

Hello Readers,


Hope you are doing great.

Today you will earn some knowledge about python repr() function. It will be very helpful for those people who do use python for programming, scripting etc. because this function is related to string and strings are most important part of programming skills.


Problem is –

Suppose a is list of string-


expected output is –





Some people may will try the simple code is-

>> a=[‘thank’,’you’,’readders’]
>>> for i in a:
… print i

But output will be –

which is not expected. We are expecting output such that each word will be printed in the quotes.

So here we can use the python function repr().

>> for i in a:
… print repr(i)

And output is-

Thats what we are expecting.

repr() function can be use many scenarios but this is one of the scenario which is common.

Hope you will use it 🙂